On the Downhill Slide
I'm getting old. And fat. Day by day.
This morning I found hair in and around my sink. My six pack has transformed into two cans on top of a party ball. Weighing 200 pounds isn't as "cool" as I thought it once would be. The dark rings under my eyes are beginning to have rings of their own. Years of swinting have created premature and permanent crows-feet. There are now lines in my forehead. The kid that could once pull an all nighter is now voluntarily going to bed at 10 p.m. on a Saturday night. That's of course preceded by a mid afternoon nap. Every morning I experience breath-taking back pain, an obvious sign of aging. My feet and my knees hurt. I think more about paying bills and work than I do about junk food and girls. Instead of wondering if a woman has a boyfriend I wonder if she's engaged, married, divorced, divorced with kid(s), or married with kids and looking for some action on the side. Amazingly I tend to attract the divorcee "with baggage." "Will you be my baby-daddy?" No. The first thing I used to notice were a girl's eyes. Now it's whether or not she's wearing a fat ring on her left hand or pushing a stroller. Add insult to injury my mom wants grandkids. I tell her I plan to have kids someday.. then maybe I get married (wink wink). No, things could be worse. Luckily I don't think too much about this kind of stuff.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! The harsh reality of age hits me periodically too, but you don't deserve half the words you used to describe yourself! And as for your newly-recognized-thought-process, that is merely a sign of maturity. If you were still thinking about cars, girls, and video games instead of a career, goals, finances.... we would be chatting---- or not chatting!!
And I'd have to second that... you are not fat!
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