Today's Crack Whore
It's a common name used by today's hippest generation. Until now, I've never been called one. Again, that is until now.
The name "Crack Whore", actually comes to us from the Latin word Crackus Whorious, meaning one who offers sexual pleasure for crack cocaine. Today, it's an everyday expression used by many American teenagers. Case in point, the other day my teenage sister looked at me and exclaimed, "You're such a Crack Whore." Now I know she meant it in the nicest possible way but seriously, I've never used crack let alone given "favors" for crack. As I sat there, trying to think of a suitable comeback, she just smiled. Finally I responded. "Well you're a crackhead." And with that I lowered myself to a 13-year old's level.
It seems no longer are these names an insult to a drug user but rather shots used among friends (and now I guess family). Oh and don't forget "Crackpot" or "Crackpipe" both, seem to be gaining popularity among the youngsters.
With the new "teenager speak" I've also realized I've hit a new language barrier. I'm now at the age where I can no longer explain the lingo to my parents. Now I'm about as cool as they are, or as my sister says, "You're about as cool as AIDS." That's another story. Okay so I'm not old enough to be called "Sir" by an attractive young 20-something but I'm close. I think it all goes along with other things moving along and up in my life: including my weight, my blood pressure.. and my hair line. But you better not say a word about it you Crack Whore!
Oh that dreaded/blessed generational language barrier, well if you need some lessons in the language department, I learn 'ghetto-talk' every day... and unfortunately crackpot did not make the list.
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