Crack that Whip

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Open for Interpretation

I've had some really weird dreams the past week.

The first happened last Friday (8/12). Let me set it up by saying there's this guy that I work with. We call him "Dangerous Dan." He's a bit off. Not the sharpest tool in the shed. He's the guy that could snap one day and kill everyone at work. You know the kind of guy. Anyway, the dream goes like this:

Dan and I are hanging out at a bar and for some reason we're taking shots. Not of whiskey or tequilla, or even buttery nipples.. but of basalmic vinegar. ??? What the? Basalmic vinegar? What does that mean? Am I bitter about something? I don't know.

The second dream happened last night (8/16). This one was more typical for a single man and a bit more graphic. It goes like this:

I'm in the shower with this girl I know. Naked. We're making out (of course). Then the shower begins moving. Upward. That's when I pull back the curtain and all of the sudden realize I'm in an elevator. In the shower, in an elevator.

So, I'm standing there naked, with this chick who's name I will NEVER divulge.. and the elevator door opens. Standing there are around five sorority girls. Of course they all start laughing. I look down to make sure they weren't laughing at me. They weren't. ;)

Anyway, then for some reason.. they begin throwing tampons at us. Yes, TAMPONS. Somehow I'm able to hit a level number and shut the doors. Then I wake up. ??? What is going on??? I can understand the naked girl thing, but tampons?!?! Come on.

I tell ya, weird things man. I thought the dream about the Deer driving a John Deer tractor, mowing my yard was weird.. but not after this week.


At 9:18 AM, Blogger REINER said...

Balsamic Vinaigrette.... don't be so quick to jump to the bitterness diagnoses. Perhaps it's a reinforcement of your reinvigorated health plan. Vinegar over alcohol... could you be pulling out a new trend??????

The elevator- speechless. A sign that you will one day have ALL GIRLS?

It must be a full moom... my dreams have been off too.... leaving me puzzled throughout the day. Ho-hum.


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